Skyline HS Tennis Practice
Event Date:
Event Time:
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
Barton Hills Country Club will be helping out the Skyline Tennis Team by allowing access to the courts under the following conditions:
- Use of 3 courts each day. May use the 4th court if no member activity upon arrival. a. If at any time a member group arrives for walk-on court use the team will have to yield & give up the 4th court promptly to the member group b. The member group should not have to ask - the team will need to take the initiative & yield the court to the member group.
- At all times, the team members must be respectful to all property, staff and members, and will abide by any club rules or regulation brought to their attention without question.
- No loitering on club property following the practice sessions.
- The mobile phone number and contact information of who is in charge and responsible for team members during such practice session must be given to Barry Garrett prior to any practice sessions.
Thank you for your understanding!